Fly, please stay on the wall.

I fell asleep on the couch last night, and it’s right under a window that flies can always seem to find their way through. I was covered up with blankets to my chin, so I thought I was pretty safe. (Both from flies AND bad buys, cause we all know that bad guys can’t get you if you’re under the covers.) As it turns out, I was not safe. Not at ALL was I safe, because I woke up five plus times in the middle of the night due to a fly crawling all over my face. I’d smack it away, and then drift back off to sleep, but shortly thereafter would be woken again by another fly trying to crawl up my nose. Just fabulous. Something about being woken up by something so small irrelevant enrages me. I mean, come on! I was just about to eat some fruit pizza, (literally this was my dream,) but noooooo. Stupid fly has to try to make it’s personal goal of getting all the way into my brain via nostril. Fly, would you do us all a favor and please stay on the wall?


So you know those awkward times you have, when you just say something really awkward and then it gets all quiet and the sentence is just kind of… hanging in the air? (Or maybe that’s just me!)
Well that happened to me, like, 600,000,000 times today. It was terrible!
Today one of my former teachers asked me a question (about how I was liking high school)  that just didn’t register with me, so I got all weird and I just started stuttering words that didn’t really make sense, trying to answer a question that I hadn’t really heard. She looked at me like I had an extra elbow or something. It happened again and again, just with different circumstances. I was left to my own devices, wondering if I should try to explain myself and try to talk my way out of whatever the heck it was that I just said, or just forget about it and pretend I never said anything at all.
I went with the latter. Bad choice.
It was just one of those days.
