
This is a page that I post all the jewelry I make on. (Hence the name!)
I buy a bunch of materials and make lots of jewelry and sell it via my facebook. At the top are my newer items, and as you scroll down you’ll get into my older stuff. Hope you like it!

An up-close of the necklace below.





These next ones are some of the earlier ones I’ve made, so the backgrounds and picture quality are not up to par! Sorry for that!

This is one of my very first pair of earrings I’ve ever made! (And thanks to my sister Emma for modeling it for me!) You can actually make these yourself! Use ribbon or some kind of fabric (I actually used a shoe string- yes, a shoe string for these earrings!) and tie a bow. Use hot glue or fabric glue to make sure it stays in place, but make sure to use a very small amount so it’s not visible. Use an o-ring and a small bit of chain and attach it to the earring hook. The earring hooks can be bought at Wal-mart for only a few bucks!

Here’s more pairs that I’ve made. A lot of these pairs have been sold, but the pictures remain!!

5404_364223233687338_1352665813_n 16590_321064648003197_331648820_n 48165_364223280354000_1878938519_n 155972_315460898563572_1564214677_n 223492_341841399258855_1655915533_n 178980_302327059876956_1034550371_n 196009_277443149032014_1682003288_n 205884_278133382296324_2022807904_n

Another thing I make is headbands. I buy plain headbands and add my own decals.
This one I layered two blue flowers and added silver around the lining and put a flower bead in the center. (I also “silver-i zed” the bead.)


Here are some more headbands I’ve made.

216135_278432692266393_912939996_n 378606_278432615599734_526430207_n 543720_278432742266388_1284170172_n

^^^^^ This last one is a purple feather I attached to the headband and then put on jewels. (Sorry, some pictures are a little blurry.)

And more earrings- the studs I make using balls of hot glue, which are then glitter-i zed and attached to wire posts. (Thanks to my great friend Jacie for modeling these for me!)

523931_292257960883866_1595473561_n 559576_292258020883860_693893334_n 550460_292257754217220_425394615_n 419528_292257824217213_270339860_n 561859_292257907550538_830779538_n

Jacie also modeled this necklace for me.


This is a necklace and earrings set. (Modeled by yours truly!)

And a charm bracelet.


This is a bracelet I made out of ribbon and Duct tape. It sold, too! I was pretty proud:) (Modeled by my sister Lydia.)


And more jewelry.

600083_269050036537992_2066591229_n 575365_341841575925504_1984042255_n 564486_279741195468876_5725815_n 546995_315464875229841_1127008260_n 522465_315464881896507_2068964929_n 539748_341841495925512_1641844493_n 522029_341841385925523_1277112502_n 427408_269049966537999_62145329_n 487411_341841459258849_277329425_n 424372_279741328802196_1929135534_n 378352_279741062135556_1975731192_n 383689_321064664669862_655413269_n 395628_341841552592173_604094018_n 398332_315464801896515_1572722081_n 264794_321064644669864_33964337_n 418716_321064734669855_1286223315_n 405384_272525959523733_1983571966_n 251928_269049793204683_1616378130_n 10337_321068631336132_1009903815_n

Comment here if you have something to say. 0.o